Our Products - Holland Hallmark
Our products are made with the utmost care. Always with the safety of the environment and the user in mind. Also of course, at the same time achieving the best possible care and attention for your precious articles.
Our polishes have been formulated to be water-based, they contain no solvents or ammonia. Our liquids are filled into PE bottles and Holland Hallmark belongs to various recycling schemes all over the world, such as the German "Green Point" system.
Silver Plater, a unique, easy to use silver PLATING liquid. It contains pure silver, to restore worn silver plated items, with a new layer of silver. Suitable for professional as well as household use.
Silver Enhancer, an extra ordinairy silver polish, that adds silver every time you polish. It also contains pure silver in the liquid and is a non-abrasive formula to MAINTAIN your silverware in perfect condition forever.
Silver Care Set, this is a superb GIFT SET with both of the above products, including application sponges, polishing cloths, gloves and natural bristle brushes.
Cleaning Plate, a special metal alloy plate, to be used with household soda, to quickly clean lightly tarnished metals such as gold, silver, copper, brass, bronze etc.
Copper/Brass Cleaner, a fast acting, EXTRA STRONG POLISH, for especially dirty copper and brass items. Easy and clean to use.
Jewelry Cleaner Solution, to quickly clean dull and dirty jewelry. Simply DIP, then rinse and dry.